We ensure that all employees within Dunwood are always striving to achieve the highest level of Safety Standards across all of our divisions.

We understand that Health and Safety is of utmost importance and ensure that all employees are provided with an induction prior to being placed with a host employer and that they hold all necessary Qualifications and Certification required for their field of work.

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Prior to candidates being sent to site we ensure the following procedures are carried out:

The relevant information about the job, including the qualifications, skills and licenses needed so the right candidate is matched to the position.


Information from the client to determine the potential for injury to workers.

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With the client on ways that identified risks can be controlled.

A written agreement with the client that clearly outlines their Work Health and Safety expectations and responsibilities, including the channels to quickly communicate information.

Site visits:
We regularly visit the worksite to identify potential hazards to which their workers are exposed, assess the risks and consider control measures in consultation with the client.

Ensure our clients have effective consultation processes in place with their workers.

Safety Management:
Have a documented system for managing safety, including staff trained in Work Health and Safety.


‘Return to work’ procedures

Dunwood Recruitment is committed to our candidates’ wellbeing and ensuring that they return to work as quickly and smoothly as possible in the event of a workplace injury. In order to ensure that our candidates return to work in the shortest time period possible, Dunwood Recruitment have appointed Recovre as our ‘return to work’ co-ordinators.

Recovre are a national occupational rehabilitation company that provides a range of comprehensive ‘return to work’ solutions to enhance rehabilitation outcomes and remove the complexity of managing workers compensation claims. As a current client, Dunwood Recruitment has access to theirr entire Recovre team as needed, including physiotherapists, rehabilitation counsellors, exercise physiologists, occupational therapist and redeployment specialists.

Recovre recognise the importance of mapping an expected timeframe for a worker following an injury, and liaise closely with the treating practitioners and allied health practitioners to adopt a strategic, goal-oriented ‘return to work’ plan. Recovre work with the injured employee and Dunwood Recruitment to identify and support the completion of suitable duties for any employee with the capacity to work. By ensuring a focus on injured employees recovering at work rather than away from the workplace, we assist to reduce lost-time injuries and lower claims costs.

Our quality assurance process includes:

  • Checks qualifications, skills and licenses needed to ensure candidates match the needs of the job.
  • Working with the client to determine the potential for injury to workers.
  • Recommendations on how risks can be controlled.
  • Outlining clients’ work health and safety expectations and responsibilities.
  • Regular visits to identify potential hazards, risks and consider control measures.
  • Worker consultation processes and preparing documentation systems for managing safety.